
Data source: OpenNews/srccon-2020 · About: simonw/srccon-2020-datasette

4 rows where timeblock = "fri-415pm" sorted by event_dtstart

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Suggested facets: transcription, event_dtstart (date), event_dtend (date)

id day time event_name event_description facilitators break everyone facilitators_twitter length notepad room talk timeblock transcription event_dtstart ▼ event_dtend event_tzid event_uid
fri-diversity-data Friday 4:15-5:30pm ET Track Changes: Making Meaning with ASNE's Diversity Data The Newsroom Diversity Survey was created with the intention of pushing the industry to reach parity with the United States' demographics by 2000, a goal it's had to postpone—twice. That leaves an unasked question: Should parity still *be* the goal? Although the diversity survey has become an institution in the industry, the effort itself is still limited in both scope and service. As journalism undergoes a process of creative destruction where outlet types, job titles/functions, audiences and *the communities* that we serve are evolving with chaotic velocity, how can organizations like NLA assist outlets incorporate tracking and reporting their internal demographics and use that information to inform hiring, retention and promotion efforts, as well as doing more culturally competent reporting? How might NLA help individuals and groups "apply pressure everywhere" to make tangible progress in truly integrating journalism? Meredith Clark, Ashley Alvarado       75 minutes       fri-415pm y 2020-07-17T16:15:00 2020-07-17T17:30:00 America/New_York srccon-2020/fri-diversity-data
fri-dont-wait-permission Friday 4:15-5:30pm ET We don't wait for permission: How to plan when our institutions won’t Back in March, a bunch of us saw that our newsrooms and institutions were failing to prepare to protect journalists as the pandemic spread. So we got together and made a guide to help people push their newsrooms to create policies that protected their staff. Four months later, coronavirus is spreading even faster, disinformation is convincing a large minority that it is all a big hoax, and layoffs have thrown many people—including many from our own newsrooms—deeper into precarity. It feels like there is no reprieve in sight. But we aren’t powerless either: with projects like the Newsroom Guide to COVID-19, the COVID Tracking Project, and neighborhood mutual aid projects, we are building ways to support each other with information and physical resources. None of this is enough but with 8 to 14 months to go in the most optimistic estimates, we gotta do something. So let’s take some time to imagine and plan for what’s next. Cordelia Yu, Tina Ye, Ted Han       75 minutes       fri-415pm   2020-07-17T16:15:00 2020-07-17T17:30:00 America/New_York srccon-2020/fri-dont-wait-permission
fri-managing Friday 4:15-5:30pm ET A New Manager's Toolkit: Empowerment, Empathy, and Ethics Some are born managers, some achieve management, and some have management thrust upon them. But how many of us are truly prepared for the experience - intellectually and emotionally? In this session we will work together to build a toolkit for new (formal and informal) managers to approach their job with empathy and ethics. What we wish we knew, what nobody tells you, what you should really listen to, and what to discard. We welcome your hacks, your best and worst experiences, your successes and failures, to equip the next generation of managers. (Non-managers welcome!) Julia Wolfe, Rosy Catanach       75 minutes       fri-415pm   2020-07-17T16:15:00 2020-07-17T17:30:00 America/New_York srccon-2020/fri-managing
fri-participatory-journalism Friday 4:15-5:30pm ET Make your own participatory journalism playbook! Newsrooms are work horses. They pump stories out of a churning workflow that is routinized and habitual. And like any habit, that workflow is hard to change. Involving and serving community members who aren’t already part of our audience takes new habits. In this session, we’ll find what those new habits might look like for you and your organization. In this workshop we’ll - Discuss what makes participation meaningful - Use your experiences to explore the principles of participatory journalism - Help you identify current and new practices that bring more communities into journalism production You’ll leave with a worksheet full of participatory journalism practices co-created by the group to experiment with back in your newsroom. jesikah maria ross, Angilee Shah       75 minutes       fri-415pm   2020-07-17T16:15:00 2020-07-17T17:30:00 America/New_York srccon-2020/fri-participatory-journalism

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE [sessions] (
   [day] TEXT,
   [time] TEXT,
   [event_name] TEXT,
   [event_description] TEXT,
   [facilitators] TEXT,
   [break] TEXT,
   [everyone] TEXT,
   [facilitators_twitter] TEXT,
   [length] TEXT,
   [notepad] TEXT,
   [room] TEXT,
   [talk] TEXT,
   [timeblock] TEXT,
   [transcription] TEXT,
   [event_dtstart] TEXT,
   [event_dtend] TEXT,
   [event_tzid] TEXT,
   [event_uid] TEXT
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