
Data source: OpenNews/srccon-2020 · About: simonw/srccon-2020-datasette

5 rows where timeblock = "thu-7pm" sorted by event_dtstart

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Suggested facets: event_dtstart (date), event_dtend (date)

id day time event_name event_description facilitators break everyone facilitators_twitter length notepad room talk timeblock transcription event_dtstart ▼ event_dtend event_tzid event_uid
thu-d-d Thursday 7-8pm ET What D&D can teach us about journalism I’m a n00b at Dungeons & Dragons, the fantasy role playing game that’s been the pinnacle of nerddom since 1974. Learning to play the game and watching friends write campaigns, I’ve found myself drawing connections to journalism, specifically storytelling, audience engagement, and power dynamics. I’ll do a short introduction to what D&D is then guide an open-ended group conversation about lessons relevant to journalism that might change the way we think about our daily work. All are welcome, regardless of whether you’re a 1e legend or simply curious. (If you want to get a taste of D&D before the session, you could listen to a podcast episode from one of two popular shows where voice actors simply play the game. Adventure They Wrote is a noir-style detective campaign with episodes of 45-60 minutes. Critical Role is a more traditional fantasy campaign but episodes run two to four hours each.) Jayme Fraser y             thu-7pm   2020-07-16T19:00:00 2020-07-16T20:00:00 America/New_York srccon-2020/thu-d-d
thu-river-walk Thursday 7-8pm ET Livestream Mississippi River Join journalist Will Lager ( @iniwil ) at Saint Anthony Falls, the only waterfall, on the Mississippi River in the heart of Minneapolis. The falls were a place of importance for Dakota and Anishinabe peoples long before the area was settled by European colonists. Learn about the history of the area and perhaps find a bit of respite in the thundering waters as they start their journey to the Gulf of Mexico. Will Lager y             thu-7pm   2020-07-16T19:00:00 2020-07-16T20:00:00 America/New_York srccon-2020/thu-river-walk
thu-woodworking Thursday 7-8pm ET How to make tables...out of wood An introduction to the hobby of woodworking, you'll learn some basics and be able to ask anything you want to learn about woodworking in this hands-on(ish) session from the databae woodshop. Steven Rich y             thu-7pm   2020-07-16T19:00:00 2020-07-16T20:00:00 America/New_York srccon-2020/thu-woodworking
thu-homeschooling Thursday 7-8pm ET The Impossible Dream: Homeschooling while working and feeling mostly OK Well, this was unexpected. For all your parents looking to share tips, commiserate and steal some strategies about how to educate our children while meeting our professional responsibilities, this session is for you. Bridget Thoreson of Hearken will be borrowing heavily from what she's learned over 10 years of marriage to an elementary school educator to share what's worked with their two kids, who this year have logged over 100 days of homeschooling since the shutdown with both parents working full-time. Do we have it all figured out? Hell no! But we're happy to navigate these stormy seas together. Bridget Thoreson y             thu-7pm   2020-07-16T19:00:00 2020-07-16T20:00:00 America/New_York srccon-2020/thu-homeschooling
thu-running Thursday 7-8pm ET Running for fun and sanity in the time of COVID Running and walking outside can be a safe and fun way to alleviate stress and feel better about yourself when so many of our other options are limited due to the impacts of COVID-19 in our communities. We'll answer questions about how to start, ramp up, or return to a running hobby safely, and share creative challenge ideas on how to stay motivated without races. Pattie Reaves y             thu-7pm   2020-07-16T19:00:00 2020-07-16T20:00:00 America/New_York srccon-2020/thu-running

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE [sessions] (
   [day] TEXT,
   [time] TEXT,
   [event_name] TEXT,
   [event_description] TEXT,
   [facilitators] TEXT,
   [break] TEXT,
   [everyone] TEXT,
   [facilitators_twitter] TEXT,
   [length] TEXT,
   [notepad] TEXT,
   [room] TEXT,
   [talk] TEXT,
   [timeblock] TEXT,
   [transcription] TEXT,
   [event_dtstart] TEXT,
   [event_dtend] TEXT,
   [event_tzid] TEXT,
   [event_uid] TEXT
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