
Data source: OpenNews/srccon-2020 · About: simonw/srccon-2020-datasette

0 rows where Dragons, the fantasy role playing game that’s been the pinnacle of nerddom since 1974. Learning to play the game and watching friends write campaigns, I’ve found myself drawing connections to journalism, specifically storytelling, audience engagement, and power dynamics. I’ll do a short introduction to what D = "", D before the session, you could listen to a podcast episode from one of two popular shows where voice actors simply play the game. Adventure They Wrote is a noir-style detective campaign with episodes of 45-60 minutes. Critical Role is a more traditional fantasy campaign but episodes run two to four hours each.) = "", D is then guide an open-ended group conversation about lessons relevant to journalism that might change the way we think about our daily work. All are welcome, regardless of whether you’re a 1e legend or simply curious. (If you want to get a taste of D = "", day = "Thursday" and event_description = "I’m a n00b at Dungeons " sorted by facilitators_twitter

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0 records

CREATE TABLE [sessions] (
   [day] TEXT,
   [time] TEXT,
   [event_name] TEXT,
   [event_description] TEXT,
   [facilitators] TEXT,
   [break] TEXT,
   [everyone] TEXT,
   [facilitators_twitter] TEXT,
   [length] TEXT,
   [notepad] TEXT,
   [room] TEXT,
   [talk] TEXT,
   [timeblock] TEXT,
   [transcription] TEXT,
   [event_dtstart] TEXT,
   [event_dtend] TEXT,
   [event_tzid] TEXT,
   [event_uid] TEXT
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