
Data source: OpenNews/srccon-2020 · About: simonw/srccon-2020-datasette

2 rows where day = "Wednesday" and talk = "y" sorted by facilitators_twitter descending

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Suggested facets: event_dtstart (date), event_dtend (date)




  • Wednesday · 2
id day time event_name event_description facilitators break everyone facilitators_twitter ▲ length notepad room talk timeblock transcription event_dtstart event_dtend event_tzid event_uid
wed-talks-alicia-tauhid Wednesday 12:15-1pm ET SRCCON Talks: Alicia Bell & Tauhid Chappell Alicia Bell and Tauhid Chappell on campaigning and organizing as journalists and inside our own organizations.         45 minutes     y wed-12pm y 2020-07-15T12:15:00 2020-07-15T13:00:00 America/New_York srccon-2020/wed-talks-alicia-tauhid
wed-talks-tasneem-candice Wednesday 9:30-10:15pm ET SRCCON Talks: Tasneem Raja in conversation with Candice Fortman Tasneem Raja in conversation with Candice Fortman, on the joys and challenges of being a woman of color leading her own newsroom, while working within an ecosystem of racist policies and institutions.         45 minutes     y wed-930pm y 2020-07-15T21:30:00 2020-07-15T22:15:00 America/New_York srccon-2020/wed-talks-tasneem-candice

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE [sessions] (
   [day] TEXT,
   [time] TEXT,
   [event_name] TEXT,
   [event_description] TEXT,
   [facilitators] TEXT,
   [break] TEXT,
   [everyone] TEXT,
   [facilitators_twitter] TEXT,
   [length] TEXT,
   [notepad] TEXT,
   [room] TEXT,
   [talk] TEXT,
   [timeblock] TEXT,
   [transcription] TEXT,
   [event_dtstart] TEXT,
   [event_dtend] TEXT,
   [event_tzid] TEXT,
   [event_uid] TEXT
Powered by Datasette · Query took 38.35ms · Data source: OpenNews/srccon-2020 · About: simonw/srccon-2020-datasette