Data source: OpenNews/srccon-2020 · About: simonw/srccon-2020-datasette
id | day | time | event_name | event_description | facilitators | break | everyone | facilitators_twitter | length | notepad | room | talk | timeblock | transcription | event_dtstart | event_dtend | event_tzid | event_uid |
thu-talks-john | Thursday | 11:15am-12pm ET | SRCCON Talks: John Hernandez | John Hernandez on burning it all down, and the problematic, inherited cultures imbued within journalism. | 45 minutes | y | thu-11am | y | 2020-07-16T11:15:00 | 2020-07-16T12:00:00 | America/New_York | srccon-2020/thu-talks-john |