{"id": "fri-food-drink", "day": "Friday", "time": "10-11am ET", "event_name": "Food and drink chat", "event_description": "Because of COVID, I\u2019ve been cooking at home a lot more and thinking about how other busy people are finally figuring out ways to make the most of their time in the kitchen (especially those of us who used to rely on restaurants and bars). There's many things we could discuss on this topic, so join the #food-and-drink channel in the conference Slack to help create the agenda for our discussion!", "facilitators": "Sarah Bennett", "break": "y", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-10am", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T10:00:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T11:00:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-food-drink"} {"id": "fri-writing-workshop", "day": "Friday", "time": "10-11am ET", "event_name": "Writing workshop", "event_description": "\nWhat I'm doing: leading a writing workshop based on the Amherst method, which was specifically developed as liberatory practice for silenced and marginalized voices, and is of course, welcoming to all. I once ran workshops for the New York Writers Coalition, which provides a quiet space for New Yorkers to write and share for 1-2 hours a week. Workshops are open to all at public libraries or are held at Rikers, nursing homes, community centers, alternative high schools, parks, etc.\n\nWhat you'll get: In response to specific writing prompts, me-time to write and if you so desire, share it with us for affirmative feedback. I will provide instructions. We'll likely do two writing rounds.\n\nWho's welcome: you, your kids, your spouse, etc.\n\nWhat you will need: a notepad, pen/pencil, a willingness to trust your voice, and encourage each other. (Remember, you're under no obligation to share what you write)\n\nOptional: preferred beverage, other treats, etc.", "facilitators": "Carla Murphy", "break": "y", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-10am", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T10:00:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T11:00:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-writing-workshop"} {"id": "fri-humanities", "day": "Friday", "time": "10-11am ET", "event_name": "Strengthening our humanity through the humanities", "event_description": "Where do you find inspiration outside of your speciality, especially in areas that resonate at a personal \u2014 not professional \u2014 level? It might sound self-indulgent to wander beyond what seems most immediately useful, especially amid so much turmoil and suffering today. But to fully recognize each other\u2019s humanity, we must also discover our own. Art, music, poetry and other forms of expression can help us see and feel beyond our personal experiences. As we strive to be better people, let\u2019s share and discuss works that have transformed our understanding or sparked our passion beyond the practical.", "facilitators": "Greg Linch", "break": "y", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-10am", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T10:00:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T11:00:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-humanities"} {"id": "fri-art", "day": "Friday", "time": "10-11am ET", "event_name": "Let\u2019s make some art!", "event_description": "What better way to start our last day at SRCCON than with some low-pressure drawing, sketching or painting? We\u2019ll have some planned group activities (workshopped in #bof-drawing), or you can just sketch your heart\u2019s desire while chatting with some like-minded folks. Absolutely no skill or prior experience needed.", "facilitators": "Julia Wolfe", "break": "y", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-10am", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T10:00:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T11:00:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-art"} {"id": "fri-break", "day": "Friday", "time": "12-12:30pm ET", "event_name": "Break (+ optional chill & social time)", "event_description": "During each long break, we're going to have space for a short meditation or movement session and a couple \"birds of a feather\" small-group conversations on particular topics. If you'd like to lead one of these short sessions, email [erika@opennews.org](mailto:erika@opennews.org).", "facilitators": "", "break": "y", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-12pm", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T12:00:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T12:30:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-break"} {"id": "fri-break-2", "day": "Friday", "time": "3:45-4:15pm ET", "event_name": "Break (+ optional chill & social time)", "event_description": "During each long break, we're going to have space for a short meditation or movement session and a couple \"birds of a feather\" small-group conversations on particular topics. If you'd like to lead one of these short sessions, email [erika@opennews.org](mailto:erika@opennews.org).", "facilitators": "", "break": "y", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-345pm", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T15:45:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T16:15:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-break-2"} {"id": "fri-closing", "day": "Friday", "time": "5:30-6pm ET", "event_name": "SRCCON closing", "event_description": "", "facilitators": "", "break": "", "everyone": "y", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-530pm", "transcription": "y", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T17:30:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T18:00:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-closing"} {"id": "fri-vox-dei", "day": "Friday", "time": "12:30-1:45pm ET", "event_name": "Yes, it\u2019s part of your job, too: Why Vox Media\u2019s approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion demands more from everyone", "event_description": "Early on in Vox Media\u2019s 10-year history, the media company proudly acknowledged that building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive company was a business-critical task. Though strides have been made in that decade, there remains a lifetime of work left to do.\n\nToday, as all companies must support employees amid a global pandemic and racial justice uprising, Vox Media\u2019s Chris Clermont and Vox\u2019s Christina Animashaun encourage individuals in every role, at every company, to add a new requirement to their job descriptions: foster an inclusive culture.\n\nChris Clermont (He/Him) is the D&I Program Manager at Vox Media, and is pioneering project work focused on building empathy, leading with authenticity, and managing bias at Vox Media \u2013 building a roadmap for accelerating and sustaining diversity, equity and inclusion at the company and in media.\n\nChristina Animashaun (They/them) is the News Graphics Designer for Vox. Their job at Vox is to show \u2013 not just tell \u2013 the stories of the day by producing and editing news graphics, data visualization, photography and illustration. Prior to Vox, they worked as a graphics reporter at POLITICO and as a researcher at the Investigative Reporting Workshop. \n\nIn this conversation, Clermont and Animashaun share lessons from their professional and personal experiences, and invite others to share successes and failures on the road to pursuing an equitable company culture. \n\nJoin a conversation that includes:\n* Breaking the myth that diversity is a person \u2014 inclusive hiring along isn\u2019t the answer.\n* Action-based recommendations for putting a company\u2019s values into practice.\n* Pitfalls that the most inclusive and innovative companies run into.\n* Immersive storytelling\n* Foundational tips on how to launch one\u2019s own racial equity initiative or take a current diversity, equity and inclusion initiative to the next level.", "facilitators": "Chris Clermont, Christina Animashaun", "break": "", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "75 minutes", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-1230pm", "transcription": "y", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T12:30:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T13:45:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-vox-dei"} {"id": "fri-policing", "day": "Friday", "time": "12:30-1:45pm ET", "event_name": "Policing the police", "event_description": "With police always in the news, let\u2019s talk about how to best investigate them and what newsrooms generally get wrong in reporting on police (believing everything they say, for one).", "facilitators": "Steven Rich, Disha Raychaudhuri", "break": "", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "75 minutes", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-1230pm", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T12:30:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T13:45:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-policing"} {"id": "fri-collaboration", "day": "Friday", "time": "12:30-1:45pm ET", "event_name": "Collaborating isn\u2019t just for reporters: Sharing the invisible work of design, production and development between newsrooms", "event_description": "Editorial collaborations are trending across the news industry with more and more organizations co-reporting and co-publishing stories and projects. But far less common are partnerships on development, design and production needs, an area where most newsrooms may not be fully equipped and could use more support, as most outlets don\u2019t have their own dedicated developer, designer, and other technologists on staff. Yet this 'invisible work' is often the foundation of strong, innovative journalism.\n\nThis Spring, a developer and an editor from The Chicago Reporter, a small investigative news organization of just five staffers, teamed up with a designer/producer at WBEZ, Chicago\u2019s NPR station with a newsroom of more than 70 people, to cover the coronavirus pandemic in a unique way. Our goal was to avoid duplicating efforts on the hard but critical work of efficiently processing and visualizing important local data and reporting on the crisis of our lifetimes, and instead play to each other\u2019s strengths to build stronger news products. And by sharing the assets this partnership produced with a dozen other local newsrooms in two languages, our tools and graphics attracted more than 1.2 million sessions in less than three months. \n\nIn this session, we\u2019ll share everything we learned about building a symbiotic collaboration between very different newsrooms, including tips and strategies for getting buy-in from your bosses, establishing streamlined workflows, creating assets that work for a variety of different organizations (and their CMS\u2019s), and feedback loops to improve your products between different audience\u2019s needs. We\u2019ll also share our experiences of other successful \u2014 and not so successful \u2014 attempts to partner to meet journalistic needs beyond the writing and reporting. \n\nMost importantly, we want to hear about the \u2018invisible work\u2019 you've collaborated on, the work you wish you could collaborate on, and help you develop strategies and technical solutions for getting there.", "facilitators": "Asraa Mustufa, Paula Friedrich, David Eads", "break": "", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "75 minutes", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-1230pm", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T12:30:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T13:45:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-collaboration"} {"id": "fri-project-products-research", "day": "Friday", "time": "12:30-1:45pm ET", "event_name": "Projects, Products, & Research II", "event_description": "Our Projects, Products, & Research track is here to connect you with tools and ideas to plug into your work _right now_. We\u2019ve invited the folks behind some amazing journalism projects to [introduce themselves in advance](https://2020.srccon.org/projects-products-research/):\n\n* The Accountability Project (#proj-accountability-project in the Slack)\n* Big Local News (#proj-biglocal in the Slack)\n* Datasette (#proj-datasette in the Slack)\n* Election SOS (#proj-election in the Slack)\n* Memberkit (#proj-memberkit in the Slack)\n* Product Kit from News Catalyst (#proj-product-kit in the Slack)\n* The Quilt: Policy, Art, and Healing (#proj-the-quilt in the Slack)\n* Systems Thinking for Journalists from Journalism + Design (#proj-systems-thinking-toolkit in the Slack)\n\nThis track is async-friendly, designed to help you learn more about these projects then connect with them for 1-1 questions or group conversations.\n\n* [Check out the Projects, Products, & Research page for intro videos and demos](https://2020.srccon.org/projects-products-research/)\n* Each project has a channel in the SRCCON Slack. Find them there! They're excited to share more!\n* SRCCON is all about making space for emergent conversations. Many of those will happen in Slack, or jump from there onto different platforms. If a project schedules an \"office hours\" style meetup during this time on the schedule, we'll also highlight it here.", "facilitators": "", "break": "", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "75 minutes", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-1230pm", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T12:30:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T13:45:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-project-products-research"} {"id": "fri-diversity-data", "day": "Friday", "time": "4:15-5:30pm ET", "event_name": "Track Changes: Making Meaning with ASNE's Diversity Data", "event_description": "The Newsroom Diversity Survey was created with the intention of pushing the industry to reach parity with the United States' demographics by 2000, a goal it's had to postpone\u2014twice. That leaves an unasked question: Should parity still *be* the goal?\n\nAlthough the diversity survey has become an institution in the industry, the effort itself is still limited in both scope and service. As journalism undergoes a process of creative destruction where outlet types, job titles/functions, audiences and *the communities* that we serve are evolving with chaotic velocity, how can organizations like NLA assist outlets incorporate tracking and reporting their internal demographics and use that information to inform hiring, retention and promotion efforts, as well as doing more culturally competent reporting? How might NLA help individuals and groups \"apply pressure everywhere\" to make tangible progress in truly integrating journalism?", "facilitators": "Meredith Clark, Ashley Alvarado", "break": "", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "75 minutes", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-415pm", "transcription": "y", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T16:15:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T17:30:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-diversity-data"} {"id": "fri-dont-wait-permission", "day": "Friday", "time": "4:15-5:30pm ET", "event_name": "We don't wait for permission: How to plan when our institutions won\u2019t", "event_description": "Back in March, a bunch of us saw that our newsrooms and institutions were failing to prepare to protect journalists as the pandemic spread. So we got together and made a guide to help people push their newsrooms to create policies that protected their staff.\n\nFour months later, coronavirus is spreading even faster, disinformation is convincing a large minority that it is all a big hoax, and layoffs have thrown many people\u2014including many from our own newsrooms\u2014deeper into precarity. It feels like there is no reprieve in sight. But we aren\u2019t powerless either: with projects like the Newsroom Guide to COVID-19, the COVID Tracking Project, FindTheMasks.com and neighborhood mutual aid projects, we are building ways to support each other with information and physical resources. None of this is enough but with 8 to 14 months to go in the most optimistic estimates, we gotta do something. So let\u2019s take some time to imagine and plan for what\u2019s next.", "facilitators": "Cordelia Yu, Tina Ye, Ted Han", "break": "", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "75 minutes", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-415pm", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T16:15:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T17:30:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-dont-wait-permission"} {"id": "fri-managing", "day": "Friday", "time": "4:15-5:30pm ET", "event_name": "A New Manager's Toolkit: Empowerment, Empathy, and Ethics", "event_description": "Some are born managers, some achieve management, and some have management thrust upon them. But how many of us are truly prepared for the experience - intellectually and emotionally? In this session we will work together to build a toolkit for new (formal and informal) managers to approach their job with empathy and ethics. What we wish we knew, what nobody tells you, what you should really listen to, and what to discard. We welcome your hacks, your best and worst experiences, your successes and failures, to equip the next generation of managers. (Non-managers welcome!)", "facilitators": "Julia Wolfe, Rosy Catanach", "break": "", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "75 minutes", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-415pm", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T16:15:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T17:30:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-managing"} {"id": "fri-participatory-journalism", "day": "Friday", "time": "4:15-5:30pm ET", "event_name": "Make your own participatory journalism playbook!", "event_description": "Newsrooms are work horses. They pump stories out of a churning workflow that is routinized and habitual. And like any habit, that workflow is hard to change. Involving and serving community members who aren\u2019t already part of our audience takes new habits. In this session, we\u2019ll find what those new habits might look like for you and your organization. \n\nIn this workshop we\u2019ll\n- Discuss what makes participation meaningful\n- Use your experiences to explore the principles of participatory journalism\n- Help you identify current and new practices that bring more communities into journalism production\n\nYou\u2019ll leave with a worksheet full of participatory journalism practices co-created by the group to experiment with back in your newsroom.", "facilitators": "jesikah maria ross, Angilee Shah", "break": "", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "75 minutes", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "fri-415pm", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-17T16:15:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-17T17:30:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/fri-participatory-journalism"}